Monday, March 15, 2010

Good News and Bad News

So the good news is, we are getting brand new copper plumbing in our 16th century apartment; the bad news it is replacing really old lead pipes.

The good news is I was smart enough to buy a Brita filter water pitcher the first week we moved into the flat; the bad news is that the filters only last 28 days and cost 25 Euros (about $35US) for two. 

The good news is we found a great dog groomer just down the street from us for Reilly; the bad news is her hair cut will cost much more than mine!

The good news is the spring flowers are blooming and the grass is greening up for Spring; the bad news is you cannot walk, sit or even stare too long on/at said flora before someone comes along and questions your motives!

The good news is we found a some really awesome grocery stores that carry "American" food; the bad news American food equals Dr. Pepper, Pop Tarts, Jiffy Pop popcorn and Bisquick.

The good news is we met representatives from the building association last week as they toured all the apartments, inspecting the work being done by the aforementioned plumbers and masons repairing the courtyard walls; the bad news is they told the workers that we, the Americans,  are the ones complaining about the noise, dirt and overly long time projections for the work schedule....and this is SOO not true!

The good news is I have discovered the TV show, The Big Bang Theory, on Orange Series on Demand; the bad news is they only have 8 episodes from Season 1 available for viewing .

The good news is that there are 3 Starbucks coffee shops within a short walk from the flat; the bad news is that with the current exchange rate, it costs about $7 for a Venti Mocha!

The good news is we are making new friends....and that is good news indeed.

1 comment:

  1. You are in Paris and going to an American chain coffee shop? I love French coffee.

    You are missing some pretty rainy weather here in New England.
