Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bonne Annee 2010

December 31, 2009 to January 7, 2010

After months of preparation and more gorillas in my stomach than I can describe, we find ourselves in Paris...our new home for the next 3 years. I am excited and scared, but mostly still in shock.

I am a red, white and blue American. I love baseball, the 4th of July and growing tomatoes in my backyard. I LOVE the USA! So what the heck am I doing in Paris?

My kids are grown and out of the house. I have just spent the past year of my life getting all kinds of personal ducks in a row; strengthening friendships, preparing to go back to school to finish a Masters in Education, writing a cookbook, stepping up my leadership role in volunteer work. But now, I am in Paris. No friends, no work and I barely speak the language! All my plans *poof*!

My husband has a new, exciting job... a raison d'etre in Paris. For me, it is more like que sera, sera!

I am in Paris. I am here to support and help my husband. I am here with my trusty little dog Reilly (thank God!). I guess I am in Paris to find my courage. Lord, please help me find my courage!

I hope in a few weeks, I will find my inner Mary Richards (a Mary Tyler Moore character to those of you born before 1980!) and soon I will be spinning gleefully on the sidewalk tossing my beret high into the Parisian sky. I think maybe I will try that in the Jardin du Luxembourg where such behavior is tolerated with an "oh she's crazy nod and smirk"...on the sidewalk, I may get knocked over!

I know that when this cold start to winter warms, so will my heart for this amazing city. Oh yeah, and finding that courage will help too. If Ernest Hemingway and Julia Child could do it, why not me?

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